Ireland confirms in shocking twist that you are in fact, not that guy |
South Sudan has recently chimed in to inform you that, yeah sorry bud, you just ain't that guy as it turns out |
(you) still in "Absolute State", mother says, vows to be "That guy, despite it all." |
Three killed in a tragic accident on the map Dust 2, when CTs didn't hold the 'E' key for long enough to actually defuse the bomb before doing the victory dance |
North Korea has launched another missile using the Minecraft: To the Moon Modpack, a spokeman for the DPRK said last Sunday |
DJI (Davey Jones Index) down 500% after Davey Jones himself davied the jones, Marinara's Trench in shambles at losing the record |
I know it says news right now, but I swear it's not the news. I just wanted to play with CSS.
It looks cool dunnit? It's got the whole scrolling text and everything! I know some people are all like you gotta make it optimised but like
buddy we paid for the whole fibre optic and i'm gonna use the whole dang fibre optic!
Anyway, you can go to the individual comic chapters by hovering over the book and clicking on the chapter that pops out, or you can check out my
About page which will tell you everything you need to know about me!